jueves, 17 de julio de 2014

A Methods Section of a Research Report

     Participants were 100 science professors of the National University of Mar del Plata in Argentina. Mar del Plata is one of the most important cities in this country as it is densely populated and the preferred seaside resort for  most Argentinian inhabitants. Besides, it is recognized by its university being one of its most important faculties the Natural Science Faculty. When 100 science professors of this university were asked to participate in our analysis of the nature and content of the conceptions of teaching and learning, they accepted without objection and showed to be collaborative. The range of the professors went from recently graduated to senior professors.

     In order to collect data, we considered a questionnaire could be an appropriate instrument. Thus, a dilemma questionnaire, consisting of 45 items to be answered, was implemented. Dilemma questionnaires are said to be adequate instruments as they can be easily administered to the participants who would find them interesting to solve. We adapted and validated this questionnaire for data collection purposes and, then, we administered it to the 100 professors (see Appendix A).
     A descriptive study was performed on the variables “conceptions of teaching” and “consistency index”. The implied theories were used as a theoretical framework and a prospective ex-post-facto design.
     We administered the dilemma questionnaire to the 100 participants on the same week, first week of August 2013, and we explained to them that they would have two weeks to carefully go through it and complete it. Also, they had the possibility not to reveal their identity but a great majority preferred to write their names at the top of the front page. After a week had passed, we contacted the participants so as to confirm that they were solving it and assist them in case they were doubtful about some questions. Most of them stated they did not need any help, however, some questions were further explained to some of them both newly-graduated and senior professors. One of the senior professors argued that he should have preferred to undergo an oral interview. Also, he stated that he would have been able to explain his view in a more dynamic manner as it would have been advisable some kind of feedback while he were giving his answers.
    After the two weeks, that is to say at the beginning of the third week of August 2013, the 100 questionnaires were collected. The great majority manifested that they did not find difficult to answer the questionnaire and most of them added it had been an excellent opportunity to consider and, also, rethink some of the practices that they implemented in their classes. After collecting the questionnaires, five days were devoted to deeply analyze the results and come to definite conclusions. We found that: only 58 professors have answered the dilemma questionnaire completely, 15 answered the majority of the items and 27 answered less than 50 % of the questionnaire.


Mateos-Sanz, M.d.M., García, M.B., Vilanova, S.L. (2011). Las concepciones sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en docentes universitarios de ciencias, vol.2 (3). Vilanova.

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